EPA rolls out over $100M in funding opportunities for recycling, organic waste
More federal funding comes online for local, Tribal and state efforts to boost recycling.

colorado, oregon, new york and more states awarded federal funding to cut methane emissions from landfills, boost food waste prevention, organics recycling
Initiatives to cut potent emissions from landfills, food waste win big

top 50 highest methane emitting landfills
Find out if your landfill is in the top 50 highest methane emitters in the country.

while nasa study finds epa estimates of landfill emissions are underestimated, scale of underestimates beats out oil and gas, livestock and coal, epa air regs don’t touch many landfills
NASA satellite observations reveal disturbing levels of methane from U.S. landfills, yet EPA regulations to limit emissions from methane don’t even apply to many landfills.

chicago tribune reports: U.S. EPA Inspectors Find many Exceedences of methane limit, issues with gas collection and cover quality at Multiple Landfills in Illinois
Check out the Chicago Tribune’s recent coverage of the urgent issue of flawed EPA regulations of landfills, and read on for even more detail on what U.S. EPA Inspectors found at Illinois landfills.

u.s. senate hearing spotlights momentum on recycling, bipartisan bills are a Super charge opportunity
U.S. Senate committee hearing showcases bipartisan support for recycling bills. The most effective way to lower methane emissions from landfills from that waste is to stop organic waste from being landfilled, and there are solutions at our fingertips to prevent and divert organic waste from landfills.

new playbook on deploying advanced monitoring tech at landfills - epa has opportunity to act to include tech
Advanced monitoring technology to vastly improve finding and fixing potent methane emissions at landfills is available and effective! Check out this new resource that walks you through how

new scientific study finds landfill methane emissions monitoring and reduction is one of most cost effective options to mitigate climate change, current emissions estimates up to 200% too low
A study published in the Scientific Journal Nature, finds landfill emissions are underestimated worldwide - yet another reason for the federal government to act to abate methane emissions.

super emitter program and advanced monitoring tech now part of epa’s oil and gas standards - why not landfills?
The EPA tackles oil and gas emissions by deploying advanced monitoring technologies and pinpointing super emitters - why not at landfills too?

Roosevelt Landfill in washington reported five years of zero emission exceedances–but EPA inspection report tells a different story
The most troubling finding of this inspection is the night and day difference between what the Landfill reported–zero methane limit exceedences–and what the EPA found: 16 methane exceedances, many extremely high

U.S. Senate environment and public works committee spotlights potent methane emissions from landfills
In a hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Senators and expert witnesses emphasized the urgent need to address methane emissions from municipal landfills — an action advocacy and research groups continue to urge the Environmental Protection Agency to take.

epa finds “explosive levels” of methane at landfill in washington state
Environmental and safety concerns found at Washington landfill

how minimizing methane emissions helps reduce other harmful air toxics at landfills
Landfills all across the U.S. are causing massive amounts of global warming through methane emissions, while also impacting the health and happiness of nearby communities. Fortunately, plenty of solutions exist that can be implemented easily.

to address caa violations, epa requires kansas landfill to do drone monitoring and better leak detection on cover - it should do the same in its air regulations
Mitigating landfill methane emissions is a top priority for EPA enforcement, yet the EPA office of air and radiation has not yet acted to improve air emissions regulations for landfills.