super emitter program and advanced monitoring tech now part of epa’s oil and gas standards - why not landfills?
The EPA tackles oil and gas emissions by deploying advanced monitoring technologies and pinpointing super emitters - why not at landfills too?
how minimizing methane emissions helps reduce other harmful air toxics at landfills
Landfills all across the U.S. are causing massive amounts of global warming through methane emissions, while also impacting the health and happiness of nearby communities. Fortunately, plenty of solutions exist that can be implemented easily.
roundup of historic year of federal funding for organics and recycling projects
Federal one-time funding sparks job creation, recycling, food rescue and organics diversion - will Congress continue this progress?
biden proclaims america recycles day: acknowledges disproportionate suffering from impacts of burned and buried waste
President: “Many people, especially people of color and low-income Americans, have suffered disproportionately from the damaging effects of pollution, including landfilled, dumped, or incinerated waste.”
biden administration announces $100M in recycling infrastructure projects
Keeping organic waste out of landfills is the most effective strategy to stopping new methane emissions.