U.S. Senate environment and public works committee spotlights potent methane emissions from landfills
In a hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Senators and expert witnesses emphasized the urgent need to address methane emissions from municipal landfills — an action advocacy and research groups continue to urge the Environmental Protection Agency to take.
epa finds “explosive levels” of methane at landfill in washington state
Environmental and safety concerns found at Washington landfill
public comment sought on draft national strategy on food waste/organics recycling
Public comments requested, deadline is February 4
how minimizing methane emissions helps reduce other harmful air toxics at landfills
Landfills all across the U.S. are causing massive amounts of global warming through methane emissions, while also impacting the health and happiness of nearby communities. Fortunately, plenty of solutions exist that can be implemented easily.
roundup of historic year of federal funding for organics and recycling projects
Federal one-time funding sparks job creation, recycling, food rescue and organics diversion - will Congress continue this progress?
to address caa violations, epa requires kansas landfill to do drone monitoring and better leak detection on cover - it should do the same in its air regulations
Mitigating landfill methane emissions is a top priority for EPA enforcement, yet the EPA office of air and radiation has not yet acted to improve air emissions regulations for landfills.
as cop28 concludes, chairman carper highlights cutting landfill methane emissions as opportunity for biden administration
Public pressure grows for Biden Administration to act to cut landfill methane emissions
U.s. announces new steps on waste methane at cop28
Will Biden Administration move from consideration to action on landfill methane?
wastemap: A new web tool from rmi and catf to track and reduce global waste methane emissions
RMI and Clean Air Taskforce debut an open access online tool that provides waste methane emissions data at the country, state and city level, alongside a modeling tool for some municipalities.
biden proclaims america recycles day: acknowledges disproportionate suffering from impacts of burned and buried waste
President: “Many people, especially people of color and low-income Americans, have suffered disproportionately from the damaging effects of pollution, including landfilled, dumped, or incinerated waste.”
slash waste emissions through federal climate pollution reduction grant program
Industrious Labs and RMI have published a new resource: Priority Climate Action Plan Guide:Organic Waste & Landfill Methane Strategies, created to support states, MSAs, Tribes and territories in achieving at-scale emissions reductions and community benefits through incorporating waste and landfill methane emissions reduction strategies, as these governments write their required Priority Climate Action Plan for the federal Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG).
biden administration announces $100M in recycling infrastructure projects
Keeping organic waste out of landfills is the most effective strategy to stopping new methane emissions.
canada funds innovative monitoring systems to reduce emissions at landfills
The Government of Canada invests in cleaning up Canada’s landfill emissions using drone-based and other monitoring technologies.
state of pennsylvania achieves methane emissions reductions at landfills by direct remote measurement
Super emitter landfills can be detected using satellites and overflight technologies, as a State of Pennsylvania report shows.
U.S. epa names unchecked methane emissions from landfills as top priority for enforcement
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced its National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives for 2024-2027, including for the first time initiatives to mitigate climate change, address exposure to PFAS contamination, and protect communities from cancer-causing coal ash.
Over 40 groups call on epa to slash landfill emissions by strengthening clean air act regs
More than 40 environmental, government, public health, and justice groups sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), urging swift action to control methane and other harmful pollutants from municipal solid waste landfills.
Top 50 landfills with the largest methane emissions
Industrious Labs recently launched dontwasteourfuture.org, that provides interactive maps of landfills in all 50 states and dashboards that compare landfills to other large industrial emitters. In each state, we provide as much of the raw data on landfills as possible. Here’s a few additional cuts of the data, based on popular request.